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Hamburger Recycling Serbia Croatia Bulgaria

L’Oréal and Hamburger Recycling cooperate

to reduce Cosmetics Packaging Waste

2018 our first cooperation with L’Oréal has started in Croatia with a campaign to make consumers more aware about the importance of recycling. The aim of this collaboration was to enable consumers in returning empty packaging to designated boxes with our Hamburger Recycling logo to DM stores in Croatia in exchange for additional discounts. HR Croatia was in charge of collecting and processing the packaging material.

In spring 2020 L’Oréal Adria Balkan has contacted us again with an idea for a MiniWeb with essential Recycling information.

Finally, in June last year, we have started to partner-up with L’Oréal by creating a simple and informative website to raise the importance of recycling with end-consumers by creating bilingual landing-pages for Hamburger Recycling Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia. On these pages, essential recycling and cosmetic waste sorting instructions as well as L’Oréal’s activities in terms of packaging improvement are highlighted. The advantage for us as a company is an entry for future commercial collaborations with L’Oréal combined with a positive marketing momentum. Together with the project team of L’Oréal we have finally managed to complete the set-up and content conception of these webpages.

Today we can proudly announce the Go-Live of this MiniWeb and we are proud to inform that we have created registered domains called “beauty4thefuture” for all 3 countries:


